Maximum allowed speed in Boka Bay
While navigating through Montenegro’s internal waters, a yacht is obliged to proceed at a safe speed so as not to endanger and harm other vessels at sea.
Boka Bay is the most popular nautical destination in Montenegro. The sea traffic, especially during the summer season is busy. Therefore, it is very important to obey speed limitations.
The speed of navigation in the entire Bay of Boka is limited.
The speed limit for vessels over 24m
The safe speed limit within Boka Bay shall not exceed 10 knots, and while in the Strait of Kumbor, the Strait of Verige maximum speed is 6 knots.
These speed limits are mandatory for all vessels longer at 24m: cruisers, super yachts, mega yachts, yachts, sail yachts, catamarans, trimarans, etc.
The speed limit for yachts up to 24 m
For vessels with a length less than 24 meters, the maximum speed in Bay of Boka is 14 knots, and while in Kumbor Strait (channel) and the Strait of Verige speed limit is 10 knots.
* Speed in the Strait of Kumbor is restricted between coordinates:
1) 42˚26,1’N 018˚36,6’E
2) 42˚25,47’N 018˚36,26’E
3) 42˚25,85’N 018˚34,63’E
4) 42˚26,47’N 018˚35,01’E
* Speed in the Strait of Verige is restricted between coordinates:
1) 42˚28,65’N 018˚41,41’E
2) 42˚28,77’N 018˚41,11’E
3) 42˚27,65’N 018˚40,15’E
4) 42˚27,46’N 018˚41,02’E